Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Week 3 EOC: My Demographics

        So in my marketing clad we discussed emailing as a huge rite of passage in this generation because nobody emails anymore. Personally I did not think that emailing was that big of a deal in words of a rite of passage kind of situation because I have been sending emails for years because that is how I got ahold of my grandparents, but that’s besides that point. A student at the University of Maryland stated that “I’m more of an adult now that I send email, becoming a person who sends emails felt like a bigger rite of passage than registering to vote.” (For generation Z, Email has become a rite of passage paragraph 2) For this research paper done by Christopher Mims says numerous times that generation Z is so into the new technology that email my disappear.  “From 15 young adults, ages 16 to 21: Email is for communicating with old people, the digital equivalent of putting on a shirt and tie.” (For generation Z, Email has become a rite of passage paragraph 6) The answers people gave during the surveys in this passage made me realize just how foreign email is these days. I mean yes I emailed every now and then but I thought that most people emailed every now and then, I was very wrong on that part. People have said that with email it is to slow and it could take a while for someone to realize they have an email and for them to even get a response.

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