Wednesday, May 25, 2016

EOC WEEK 8: The Adventure

It was a cold and gloomy night in the Philippines for Phileas Fogg, he had no idea what to for the night so he decided to take a walk. He had been walking for a while when all of a sudden he heard a loud bang and crash. His heart started racing and he began to think “this will give me something to do”. So he followed the sounds for when seemed like forever. When he finally for there and looked around he saw a little bar and there was a huge fight going on. They were breaking everything and Phileas had no idea what to do. He looked over and saw some girls freaking out because all they wanted to do was get drinks and have a good time. So he decided to be the hero and step in and try to fix the situation. He ended up getting punched multiple times and then finally managed to contain the situation. The girls immediately started trying to clean the place up a little bit because they wanted to enjoy the rest of their night. Phileas started helping them and began talking to the girl. They all stopped and started talking for a little bit and after a few hours they began to clean again when Phileas came across this hard piece of food that he had never seen before and he got curious and wanted to know what it was. He tried to break it multiple times so the girls got curios and decided to check it out and see what he was doing, when they went over there they watched him and started laughing and helped him and they ended up all working together and having so much fun breaking it and found out that it tasted really good. They found all the ingredients and ended up making a huge business out of what they discovered.

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