Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Week 4 EOC: My app

        If I could create an app, I would create an app that if you were sick of felt like something is wrong with you the app would figure it out by scanning your eye. The reason I say scanning your eye is because when it comes to finger prints if you burn your finger or cut it there is now a mark on your finger. So instead of having to go to the doctor and sitting in the waiting room for pretty much the entire day it seems, or even googling your symptoms, (I say that because I hate going to the doctors so ill google things and just freak myself out looking at what it could be) you can just use your phone put it up to your eye and it will scan your eye and be able to figure out what is wrong with you. The app can be used on anyone if you have it on your phone. So unfortunately with that no more pretending you’re sick so you don’t have to go to school. Sorry everyone, but it will definitely save a lot of money on the up side. The way it will be able to scan your eye will be through the camera, you would take a picture of your eye the app will analyze it and within minutes you will know what it wrong with you. Now it won’t be crazy advanced that it will be able to detect diseases or anything just illnesses such as the common cold the flu etc. It will not be able to prescribe medicine either

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