Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
EOC Week 9: Three Great Mission Statement
The three business mission statements that I really liked were Will's, Austin's, and Tyson's. In their blogs they did a great job of explaining their mission for their snack. The used Good Quotes and new how to execute their statements. “An organization exists to accomplish something, and this purpose should be clearly stated. Forging a sound mission begins with the following questions: What is our business? Who is the customer? What do consumers value? What should our business be?”(Armstrong& Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing- Page39) They did a really good job on theirs.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
EOC WEEK 8: The Adventure
It was a cold and gloomy night in the Philippines for
Phileas Fogg, he had no idea what to for the night so he decided to take a
walk. He had been walking for a while when all of a sudden he heard a loud bang
and crash. His heart started racing and he began to think “this will give me
something to do”. So he followed the sounds for when seemed like forever. When he
finally for there and looked around he saw a little bar and there was a huge
fight going on. They were breaking everything and Phileas had no idea what to
do. He looked over and saw some girls freaking out because all they wanted to
do was get drinks and have a good time. So he decided to be the hero and step
in and try to fix the situation. He ended up getting punched multiple times and
then finally managed to contain the situation. The girls immediately started
trying to clean the place up a little bit because they wanted to enjoy the rest
of their night. Phileas started helping them and began talking to the girl. They
all stopped and started talking for a little bit and after a few hours they
began to clean again when Phileas came across this hard piece of food that he
had never seen before and he got curious and wanted to know what it was. He
tried to break it multiple times so the girls got curios and decided to check
it out and see what he was doing, when they went over there they watched him
and started laughing and helped him and they ended up all working together and
having so much fun breaking it and found out that it tasted really good. They found
all the ingredients and ended up making a huge business out of what they
Implementation Evaluation Control
Even though we are starting out small the Honey Bar is going
to be a huge hit for single men and women because it is designed so that 2 or
more people can enjoy breaking it and figuring out fun and creative ways to eat
it. “A company can divide sales
responsibilities along any of several lines. The structure decision is simple
if the company sells only one product line to one industry with customers in
many locations. In that case the company would use a territorial sales force structure.”(Armstrong
& Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall
Publishing-Page416) The reason I say 2 or more people is because if
people are double dating or even a group of people order it there is enough to
go around. We will have a website for people to go to so they can order some if
they are hosting a party as well. The Honey Bar goes great with any kind or
drink and will be a hit anywhere you’re drinking. “In many cases, the move to
team selling mirrors similar changes in customers’ buying organizations.
“Buyers implementing team-based purchasing decisions have necessitated the
equal and opposite creation of team-based selling—a completely new way of doing
business for many independent, self-motivated salespeople”( Armstrong &
Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall
The purpose of the Honey Bar is to have the perfect salty
sweet snack at the bar for people to enjoy there night and drink with. “Marketing research
gives marketers insights into customer motivations, purchase behavior, and
satisfaction. It can help them to assess market potential and market share or
to measure the effectiveness of pricing, product, distribution, and promotion
activities.”(Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th
Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing-Page106) Our price for the Honey Bar is
going to be like $6 because we import the nuts and are going to give away money
and ticket prizes. The quality of the
Honey Bar will be great and have an amazing flavor and is going to be the perfect
snack for a night out on the town. “Cutting prices is often not the best answer. Reducing prices
unnecessarily can lead to lost profits and damaging price wars. It can cheapen
a brand by signaling to customers that the price is more important than the
customer value a brand delivers. Instead, no matter what the state of the
economy, companies should sell value, not price.”(Armstrong & Kotler
(2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing-Page274) We
believe that the price of our product is perfect for it not to cheap and not too
expensive. Our hope are that it will draw people’s attention and realize it’s a
good snack with their drinks and that they can really enjoy themselves at the
bar. “Price is the amount of money charged for a product or service.
More broadly, price is the sum of all the values that customers give up in
order to gain the benefits of having or using a product or service.”(Armstrong
& Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall
Since we are a small business for a bar snack, Honey Bar
will have promotions every once in a while to grab people’s attention as well
as tricking their taste buds. There will be many more in the beginning so that
people are willing to try our product. Our promotions will be like buy two get
one free, or buy one get one half price. We will have times where we will give
prizes in our boxes maybe a small money prize or vacation tickets something
like to attract our customers. Game nights there will be a discount on price
such as 40% or 50% off of the Honey Bar. Eventually we will start adding
special flavors just to try it out. What we want out of this is for our customers
to love what they are eating and have the perfect snack to enjoy their night
with that does not affect how the night is going by getting our customers full
where they feel sick. “Promotional pricing, however, can have adverse effects. Used too
frequently and copied by competitors, price promotions can create “deal-prone”
customers who wait until brands go on sale before buying them. Or, constantly
reduced prices can erode a brand’s value in the eyes of customers. Marketers
sometimes become addicted to promotional pricing, especially in difficult
economic times. They use price promotions as a quick fix instead of sweating
through the difficult process of developing effective longer-term strategies
for building their brands.”(Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An
Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing-Pages294)
As fare as distribution for Honey Bar we will get our nuts
imported from the Philippines to ensure that they have the best flavor for the
snack. We will have a factory in Arizona, I say Arizona because it’s right next
to California and Nevada which has a bunch of bars so it will be a good place
to start off. It’s going to be a small business until the Honey Bar really gets
noticed. “Resellers are distribution channel firms that help the company
find customers or make sales to them. These include wholesalers and retailers
who buy and resell merchandise. Selecting and partnering with resellers is not
easy. No longer do manufacturers have many small, independent resellers from
which to choose. They now face large and growing reseller organizations such as
Wal-Mart, Target, Home Depot, Costco, and Best Buy. These organizations
frequently have enough power to dictate terms or even shut smaller manufacturers
out of large markets.”(Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An
Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing-Page68) Once the Honey
Bar really kicks off and it becomes a hit we will start to sell it in liquor
stores so that men and women will be able to have that same experience of
having a great time and a great snack with their drinks at home or wherever. It will take a little to
start out but I see great things in our future. “The marketing concept
states that to be successful, a company must provide greater customer value and
satisfaction than its competitors do. Thus, marketers must do more than simply
adapt to the needs of target consumers. They also must gain strategic advantage
by positioning their offerings strongly against competitors’ offerings in the
minds of consumers.”(Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction,
10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing-Page69)
“Many sellers make the mistake of paying more attention to the
specific products they offer than to the benefits and experiences produced by
these products. These sellers suffer from marketing myopia. They are so taken
with their products that they focus only on existing wants and lose sight of
underlying customer needs”( Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An
Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing-Page7) The product I have created, Honey Bar,
is a crunchy, salty, and sweet snack that will be offered at bars and possibly
a few liquor stores. It is designed to draw people closer together and get them
to communicate and get closer while drinking and having a good time. “Satisfied customers
buy again and tell others about their good experiences. Dissatisfied customers
often switch to competitors and disparage the product to others.”(Armstrong
& Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall
Publishing-page7) After
you purchase a serving of the Honey Bar it will be packaged in a long think rectangular
box that will open from the top. There will be 4 small clear plastic windows
where you will be able to look inside the box, but just enough where you can
tell if there is something in the box. Inside the box not only will it contain
the Honey Bar but there will be items, but there will also be prizes for our
customer. “Marketers must be careful to set the right level of expectations.
If they set expectations too low, they may satisfy those who buy but fail to
attract enough buyers.”(Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An
Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing-Page7)
Target Market Strategy
The main focus of the Honey Bar
is men and women at bars, preferably single so they have a reason to mingle
with someone they are interested in while drinking and have a fun snack that
they can break and figure out fun ways to eat the Honey Bar. “The company first
gains a full understanding of the marketplace by researching customer needs and
managing marketing information. It then designs a customer-driven marketing
strategy based on the answers to two simple questions. The first question is
“What consumers will we serve?” (Market segmentation and targeting)”( Armstrong
& Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall
Publishing-Page30) The male role in our product would be a single male
who wants to have a good time and meet himself a nice lady to sit down and have
a few drinks with while snacking on our Honey Bar, maybe even get up and dance
a little. “Some people think of marketing management as finding as many
customers as possible and increasing demand. But marketing managers know that
they cannot serve all customers in every way. By trying to serve all customers,
they may not serve any customers well. Instead, the company wants to select
only customers that it can serve well and profitably.”(Armstrong & Kotler
(2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing-Page9) The
female role in our product would be a single lady who is ready to go out and
have a great time, dance, drink, snack, and laugh, and just simply enjoy
herself and meet herself a fun guy to hang out with. Our product is designed to
be a conversation starter or an ice breaker for those shy people out there.
Situation or SWOT Analysis
“Managing the marketing function begins with a complete analysis of
the company’s situation. The marketer should conduct a SWOT analysis, by which
it evaluates the company’s overall strengths (S), weaknesses (W), opportunities
(O), and threats (T)” (Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An
Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing-Page54) The strengths to
the Honey Bar would be the fact that is a snack from the Philippines and the
experience of how it is broken in smaller pieces so it can be shared between
everyone. Our weakness would be how long the deliveries would take because of
it being from the Philippines. “The main section of
the plan presents a detailed SWOT analysis of the current marketing situation
as well as potential threats and opportunities. The plan next states major
objectives for the brand and outlines the specifics of a marketing strategy for
achieving them.”(Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction,
10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing-Page55) The opportunities that the
Honey Bar would offer would jobs because we would need employees in the
factories as well as distributing the item. The threats we would have would be
the other companies that are trying to promote their snacks at the bar and
trying to be number one just like we our.
The Honey Bar is trying to be the best bar snack out there
for men and women to enjoy together. It has been invented so that instead of
the normal snacks you get at the bar you can get a new and better taste to
enjoy. It has been created so that men and women could have a salty and sweet
treat while drinking and enjoying your social time. “The Company needs to turn
its mission into detailed supporting objectives for each level of management.
Each manager should have objectives and be responsible for reaching
them.”(Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed.
Prentice Hall Publishing-Page40) The plan for the Honey Bar is for it to
end up being sold in most if not all bars as well as in liquor stores because
it designed to go with alcohol. The will be an online store as well for the
bars to reach out to as well as the liquor stores. “More companies today are partnering with the other members of the
supply chain—suppliers, distributors, and, ultimately, customers—to improve the
performance of the customer value delivery network.”(Armstrong& Kotler
(2011). Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing-Page48) The goal is for our customers to eat the
Honey Bar with the ones closest to them or new friends and be able to have a
great time and not worry about if it’s too sweet or too salty, it’s the perfect
combination. “Consumers stand in the center. The goal is to create value for
customers and build profitable customer relationships. Next comes marketing
strategy—the marketing logic by which the company hopes to create this customer
value and achieve these profitable relationships. The company decides which
customers it will serve (segmentation and targeting) and how (differentiation
and positioning). It identifies the total market, then divides it into smaller
segments, selects the most promising segments, and focuses on serving and
satisfying the customers in these segments.”(Armstrong & Kotler (2011).
Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing-Page49)
Business Mission Statement
My mission statement for Honey Bar is so that each customer
has the opportunity to be able to sit at a bar and get a snack that is good
with any kind of drink and not get full off of the snack. I want them to be
able to experience the sweet and salty taste while sipping or straight downing
their drinks. “Guided by the company’s mission statement and objectives,
management now must plan its business portfolio—the collection of businesses
and products that make up the company.”(Armstrong & Kotler (2011).
Marketing: An Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing- Page 42) I want my customers to be able to have
a great time with their friends and family or even while meeting new people and
sit down and talk about random things or just goof off. Maybe buy the snack to
share it and make a Game out of it. “An organization exists to accomplish something, and this purpose
should be clearly stated. Forging a sound mission begins with the following
questions: What is our business? Who is the customer? What do consumers value?
What should our business be?”(Armstrong& Kotler (2011). Marketing: An
Introduction, 10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing- Page39) I came up with Honey Bar so
that it could bring men and women together and to bond at the bar and for them
to make conversation just to let loose for one night. “This is the focus of strategic
planning—the process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the
organization’s goals and capabilities and its changing marketing
opportunities.” (Armstrong & Kotler (2011). Marketing: An Introduction,
10th Ed. Prentice Hall Publishing- Page 39)
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Week 7 EOC: The Pitch
Name of the Snack: Honey Bar
The country that I choose for my project is the Philippines. The snack that I am going to create is going to be like a brittle but will have rice, coconut, and a nut that comes from the Philippines in it and I am finding a sticky liquid to make it all stick together. As the sticky liquid I would like to use is honey, it tends to really hold things together. The price of the snack is going to be $6 because we are giving out money and tickets when you purchase a box. The box will open from the top and have four small clear windows so the customer can see just enough to be able to look inside the box. After opening it will be wrapped in a special paper that keeps it from losing flavor. The Honey Bar is going to be sweet and salty, crunchy and chewy. It’s the best of both world all in one snack, who wouldn’t love that. It will be sold at bars and eventually liquor stores. It will also be available online for when someone decides to host a party. Our Main goal is for our customers to have the perfect snack while drinking and mingling, with a fun and creative way to eating and break it. You can even take your frustration out on it when in a bad mood at the bar. It’s an all-around great snack that tastes great.
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Week 5 EOC: Social Networks and Job Hunting
When it comes to social networking and job hunting things can
sometimes get very difficult. I say this because finding a job depending on the
time of year can actually seem almost impossible. However, in this article: Marketing at work 5.1 Brand Ambassadors:
Employing Real Customers to Get Out the Word it explains how people
talk about things that tend to make them happy and in doing so they are
promoting that product without realizing that they are. Due to technology “anyone can spread the word about
products and brand experiences to thousands, even millions, of other consumers.” (Marketing at work 5.1 Brand Ambassadors paragraph 1) So when job
hunting look for something that you love or just enjoy doing because I doing so
you will love to talk about your job or even business and it won’t seem as if you
are actually working when in fact you are. The article states “marketers are now working to
harness the newfound communications power of their everyday customers, turning
them into influential brand ambassadors.” (Marketing at work 5.1 Brand
Ambassadors paragraph 2) Which means that management or business owners are
looking for great customers to make them their great employees and help out the
company. “Companies are
looking for consumers who are passionate about their products.”
(Marketing at work 5.1 Brand Ambassadors paragraph 3) As the companies hire or employ
their consumers they rely on them to talk to their acquaintances, friends, and
family to promote their products as well as expand their business. As you are
doing this you won’t even realize that you are working because you market
products every day without realizing that you are doing so. Why not get paid in
to process.
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Week 3 EOC: My Demographics
in my marketing clad we discussed emailing as a huge rite of passage in this generation
because nobody emails anymore. Personally I did not think that emailing was
that big of a deal in words of a rite of passage kind of situation because I have
been sending emails for years because that is how I got ahold of my
grandparents, but that’s besides that point. A student at the University of Maryland
stated that “I’m more of
an adult now that I send email, becoming a person who sends emails felt like a
bigger rite of passage than registering to vote.” (For generation Z,
Email has become a rite of passage paragraph 2) For this research paper done by
Christopher Mims says numerous times that generation Z is so into the new technology
that email my disappear. “From 15 young adults, ages 16
to 21: Email is for communicating with old people, the digital equivalent of
putting on a shirt and tie.” (For generation Z, Email has become a rite
of passage paragraph 6) The answers people gave during the surveys in this
passage made me realize just how foreign email is these days. I mean yes I emailed
every now and then but I thought that most people emailed every now and then, I
was very wrong on that part. People have said that with email it is to slow and
it could take a while for someone to realize they have an email and for them to
even get a response.
Week 3 EOC: Making Money For Good
When it
comes to making money for good I’m not just talking about making money for life,
I’m talking about making money for a good cause and helping out the community.
When doing so find a career where you can enjoy what you do every day and look
forward to working. One that half the time you don’t even feel like you’re
working, something you’re passionate about. That tends to help out a lot actually.
Once you have found a job that you very much enjoy doing figure out what you
can do with that job to help out your community and give back for once. It will
not be easy at first but as you continue with it things will get easier. So for
example there is a make-up company who donates 100% of the profits made from
their lipstick to men, women, and children with HIV and AIDS. It is said that “Since 1994, MAC has raised over $270 million
primarily through VIVA GLAM products”. (Making money for good paragraph
1) To promote their products they decided to use celebrities that the community
looks up to for the personal triumphs which they have said that so far there
have been over 20 celebrities who have been featured. “We’re working to ensure that under-served and
marginalized people and communities, including sex workers, injection drug
users and gay men have access to the prevention, treatment and care programs
they need and deserve”. (Making money for good paragraph 2) When giving
back to the community you don’t have to give money to the same cause you can
give the money to any cause that you feel is important, there are so many
different charity programs out there to donate to you can choose any of them.
Once you start to give back you will feel extremely good about yourself.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Week 4 EOC: My app
If I
could create an app, I would create an app that if you were sick of felt like
something is wrong with you the app would figure it out by scanning your eye.
The reason I say scanning your eye is because when it comes to finger prints if
you burn your finger or cut it there is now a mark on your finger. So instead
of having to go to the doctor and sitting in the waiting room for pretty much
the entire day it seems, or even googling your symptoms, (I say that because I hate
going to the doctors so ill google things and just freak myself out looking at
what it could be) you can just use your phone put it up to your eye and it will
scan your eye and be able to figure out what is wrong with you. The app can be
used on anyone if you have it on your phone. So unfortunately with that no more
pretending you’re sick so you don’t have to go to school. Sorry everyone, but
it will definitely save a lot of money on the up side. The way it will be able
to scan your eye will be through the camera, you would take a picture of your
eye the app will analyze it and within minutes you will know what it wrong with
you. Now it won’t be crazy advanced that it will be able to detect diseases or
anything just illnesses such as the common cold the flu etc. It will not be
able to prescribe medicine either
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Week 1 EOC: Great Customer Service
service is the most important aspect when in or owning a business. Without
customers you would be nowhere, so providing great service to your customers is
extremely important. One example of a company with great customer service is
Zappos. The CEO, Tony Hsiesh stated
“Our whole goal at
Zappos is for the Zappos brand to be about the very best customer service
and customer
experience.” ( Marketing: An Introduction Pg.3 paragraph 2) Zappos
is an online shoe company that customers say offers the absolute best selection
of shoes. Due to the excellent service given the customers are very loyal and
tend to return to the website multiple times. If your customers are happy with
how they have been treated not only will they continue to return but they will
also include their friends on the fantastic experience as well as your products
which will help your sales improve. Providing great customer service may not
always be easy but it will be worth it in the end. “Our whole goal at Zappos is for the Zappos brand
to be about the very best customer service and customer
experience.” (Marketing: An Introduction pg. 3 last paragraph) Even if you’re
having a rough day you cannot take it out on your customers you have to push
through and make sure your always providing excellent customer service.
Week 1 EOC: My Voice
For as long as I can remember one
of my favorite things to do was take pictures, it always kept me calm and
seemed as if I was in my own perfect world where nothing bad could happen. When
I take pictures, I don’t just lift the camera and snap a photo I tell a story
in the pictures I take. I want to capture the real beauty in the world. I want
to be able to not only capture those moments that are gone forever, but capture
those that you never even knew was there. Those pictures that you look at and it’s
like reading a book that is so vivid you can feel the emotion in it weather it
is nature, weddings, or even media. I want my photos to take you to your own
world and enjoy every part of it. My favorite pictures to take are the
unexpected, the look on a fathers face when he sees his child for the first
time, or that moment a mother is helping her child after they have gotten hurt.
That moment a baby bird leaves the nest for the first time. The first flower to
bloom after a long winter. The look on the grooms face when he sees his bride
for the first time on their wedding day. Photography is my passion and it is my
way of expressing myself in a unique way and I enjoy every aspect of photography,
even the countless hours of editing on the computer. I could not be happier
with what I do and can’t wait to see where life takes me.
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